There is no denying the search for qualified employees has been challenging. Through what is now being labeled as “The Great Resignation,” we’ve recognized the design, and construction industries are not alone in this experience. Throughout the last year, nearly 33 million Americans quit their jobs because the work was ultimately not fulfilling their needs.
So, what are job seekers searching for?
Job seekers are searching for a workplace that exudes teamwork, cultivates a growth mindset, presents challenging yet rewarding work, offers competitive pay, and understands the importance of work-life balance. TONO Group has taken the time to recognize that while all of these qualities can be present in a place of work, they alone are still not enough to attract and retain great employees.
For design careers and construction careers, the missing elements tend to be great communication and strong leadership. Combined, these qualities can create a positive workplace culture and that is what we are continuously working to achieve at TONO Group.
We also recognize there are many qualified design and construction professionals who are already employed somewhere but feel like there may be a more meaningful workplace that aligns with their needs.
So, job seekers, ask yourself questions like, “Can TONO Group offer a workplace culture that is better than my current employer?” The answer? If you value the items we listed above like we think you do, then we invite you to view our available jobs at one of our family of companies.
TONO Group is a turn-key design-build solution provider, and a family of award-winning companies: RETRO Development, TONO Architects, PROTO Construction and Interiors by DECO that perform best when they work together. Like our family of companies, we appreciate employees who value a collaborative team workplace and embrace the ability to be leaders while also working with our team of professionals.
Leadership Development
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
-John Quincy Adams

Oftentimes, leadership is misconstrued as needing to have a specific job title or years of design or construction industry experience. However, merely having a conversation and swaying your team’s opinion can be considered as leadership.
When employees learn to communicate well and share information with their teams, it can collectively excite and help to understand the purpose of their daily function in the workplace. When employees feel they have managers with strong leadership skills, it changes the construction and design workplace cultures for the better.
It is to no surprise the design and construction industry sometimes require long hours of work to meet tight deadlines. So, working with a team who you can rely on is important. “Team work makes the Dream Work”
Communication is Key
“Studies show that a trusting workplace increases employees’ level of happiness, work effort, productivity and engagement. It also provides an environment that encourages open communication and promotes people to share their ideas.” – Arthur Miller

We know employees will contribute but they must first understand the work is meaningful and that is accomplished through communication and building trust within teams.
To establish team communication, everyone needs to leave egos at the “workplace door” and recognize the team is at work with the same goal in mind- to help each other accomplish the tasks at hand. When this skill is mastered, workflows are more efficient and employees are happier and invested in the company’s bottom line.
Teamwork and open communication within teams are effective when employees feel comfortable to communicate career path goals or new discoveries within the relevant industry knowledge on technology and best practices to their colleagues.
Team communication can also make the difference in an employee investing more time to support company needs. So, leaders, take time out of your busy day and communicate with your team via open office hours, morning check-ins, or whatever style fits your team needs so everyone understands the company cares and the employees are valued.
Work-Life Balance
“Workplace culture is not unlimited PTO, snacks, free lunches, or even fun company-wide and team events. A positive workplace culture is built when leaders have full trust in their team, and allow them full autonomy over their work.” – Emma Leads Guidarelli

As designers and construction professionals, it’s important to recognize the need for a job that offers a good work-life balance. So, what is the work-life balance like for construction managers and architectural designers?
According to Money.usnews.com, the career category for Construction Managers rank #29 out of 100 Best Jobs Available, and Architects rank #4 in Best Engineering Jobs.
TONO Group believes in the team that we thoughtfully selected to have integrity to accomplish their work to the best of their ability and always go above and beyond to bring our clients’ visions to life. With all of the uncontrollables in life and post- covid world in which we all live, we empower and trust our employees to communicate with TONO leadership to allow for flexibility during unexpected events. But also to allow for our employees to be present at events that are moments of celebration and ceremony no matter how small.
So, job seekers, if you are feeling unfulfilled in your current role, and value strong leadership, great communication, and work-life balance, we invite you to join our team. Bonus points if you have good sense of humor because what is work without a few laughs!