Nicole Patterson
TONO Group
436 West James Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
TONO Group’s Owner and Managing Principal Receives Award
Lancaster, PA—(June 28, 2017)— The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry awarded TONO Group’s owner and managing principal, D. Hunter Johnson, AIA, its “Entrepreneur of the Year” for 2017. The honor is given to an individual who embodies the entrepreneurial spirit and is presented at the annual “Think Big: Small Business Celebration” event which celebrates the positive impact small businesses have on the local economy. In his acceptance speech he thanked his wife, Joan, his two sons, Nathan and Zachary, his team, and the Chamber.
“I’m humbled and honored by this recognition and thankful to the Lancaster Chamber and selection committee for bestowing it upon me,” Johnson said. “As an organization that is focused on improving the built environment and our community, I’m grateful for being recognized for creating meaningful places.”
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry gave its first “Entrepreneur of the Year” award in 2016 to Cinthia Kettering of the Bagnall Shaw Company. Johnson was a finalist last year. The criteria for the award is based on entrepreneurial leadership, business growth, business formation, Chamber and community involvement, and business ethics.
This year’s nominees were David Nottoli, president of Merge Investigations, Inc., Rod Shumaker, owner of Shumaker PDT, Eric Blow, president of Astro Machine Works, Inc., and Hunter Johnson, owner and managing principal of TONO Group.
The event was held at American Music Theatre and nominees were asked to sit on a panel to discuss and share their insights and answers to these questions: What inspired you to start a business? What was the most difficult thing about starting your own business? How did you market your business in the early years? How did you become more intentional about leading your team?
The panel discussion was moderated by Mike Mitchell of Elizabethtown College’s S. Dale High Family Business Center. Attendees were also given the chance to discuss breakout topics including the two biggest challenges and opportunities businesses face in today’s marketplace. The top two challenges discussed were hiring employees and time management. The top two opportunities discussed were digital marketing and competing against larger opportunities.
Johnson’s award-winning firm has been locally and regionally recognized by Lancaster Historic Preservation Trust and the American Institute of Architects for Design Excellence. Through service to the community and his clientele, Johnson continues to pursue and ambitious path to harness the collaborative strengths of each business and unify the industry—rethinking the possibilities of what architecture can achieve. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from University of Virginia and is a registered architect in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware.